Friday, November 13, 2020

Say Goodbye to Trump’s Cabinet


Say Goodbye to Trump’s Cabinet by "Now This"

It's not just Trump leaving the White House in January — say goodbye to all his lackeys, too


After more than a week of continuing mail in and absentee ballot vote counting after the November 3, 2020 general elections and rankling in the remaining battle states of Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona etc.; the vote tally for the US 2020 election is now complete. Consequently most of the major media outlets including CNN, MSNBC, BBC etc. have now called the outstanding states and predict electoral vote count of 306 in favor of President Elect, Mr. Joe Biden and 232 electoral votes in favor of President Mr. Donald Trump. This gives President Elect, Joe Biden a very clear victory over President Donald Trump. 

Nevertheless and the facts notwithstanding, President Trump is yet to concede and many other Republicans continue to back him.

The video by "Now This" below is a narrative and synopsis of the prominent people who served in the Trump Administration that will be departing the Whitehouse in January, 2021 with him.

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