Thursday, November 5, 2020

Huge buckets of mail in and absentee ballots trending in favor of Joe Biden in US 2020 Election.

Impact of Mail in and Provisional ballots in the 2020 US elections.

ICMS, Inc. Reports 
By Tom Okure, Ph.D.

Perhaps Trump’s strategy or expectation was that the election would be called in his favor and he could declare victory in many critical states where he was ahead in vote counts. This expectation is obvious and manifest especially in the critical battle states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia etc. where Trump was ahead before all votes were counted.

Listen to his son Eric Trump in the video below here who insists that his father Trump is the winner and the democrats are fraudulently stealing the election result from him. Either his claim is based on ignorance of the ballot counting process or this was a deliberately flawed strategy of the Trump campaign. It appears that the campaign wanted and preferred their voting base to do walk in voting on November 3, 2020. 

While there is nothing wrong with this traditional method of people walking in to vote on the exact Election Day, everything is different this election year because of the Covid-19 (corona virus) pandemic and its associated fears. Because of the pandemic and fears of infection, most voters and especially a majority of democratic and minority voters opted to vote early and through mail in ballots to cast their votes.

Naturally and historically, many states and voting districts count and release their results of walk in balloting first and this appeared in many states and especially in red Republican states like Arizona, Georgia etc. to give the Trump campaign a large lead in voter counts. In some cases Trump was leading in many district counts as high as 60 to 80 percent vote counts.  

Milwaukee Election Commission worker
processes and sorts absentee ballots.

What the Trump strategy perhaps failed to take into consideration was the fact that in places like Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania the remaining amount or batch of uncounted votes consisted of huge pockets or “buckets of mail in ballots” that would be trending in favor of Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

As the counting of absentee and mail in ballots continues and Trumps lead continues to narrow, the suspense grows as we all watch Joe Biden overtake trumps voter count leads in more of the critical battle states like Wisconsin, Michigan etc.  Mail in ballots in the scale we have witnessed in the 2020 US general elections this years election is unprecedented and counting of ballots is taking days now and creating great anxiety in the US population. Many states like Navada say they are amazed at the scale of the delivery of mail in ballots from the US postal service to election administrators. This explains why the Trump campaign is suing to stop the counting of mail in ballot votes which favors Joe Biden in the critical battle states. 


All rights reserved by Tom Okure, Ph.D CEO of Inter-Continental Mgt. Systems, Inc (or ICMS Inc). ICMS, Inc, is a multifaceted business and management consulting firm with its head office in Albany, New York.

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