Friday, September 6, 2019

Robert Gabriel Mugabe, former Zimbabwean President and founding father is dead at the age of 95.

ICMS, Inc. Reports
By Tom Okure, Ph.D
President Mugabe was one of Africa’s longest
serving and controversial rulers.
Former President of Zimbabwe and strongman Robert Gabriel Mugabe died today at the age of 95. Mugabe served from 1980 to 1987 as Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and then as President from 1987 to 2017. He was one of Africa’s longest serving and controversial rulers who was forced to give up power in 2017.
Before his ouster in November 2017, President Mugabe was the world’s oldest head of state and the only ruler of Zimbabwe since the country gained independence in 1980. Mr. Mugabe was a nationalist and freedom fighter and like many similar individuals involved in the liberation of their countries, he often thought that Zimbabwe was his to govern until the end of his life.
Former President of Zimbabwe and African strongman Robert Gabriel Mugabe
During a speech to the African Union in 2016, he stated that he would rule Zimbabwe “until God says, ‘Come.’” He was often described as conflicted, calculating, ascetic and cerebral. He used to describe himself as an African revolutionary inspired by what he termed “Marxist-Leninism-Mao-Tse-tung thought.” He was inflexible in his distrust of western powers and his desire to stay in power.
In a number of occasions, there were speculations that he was dead but it turned out to be wrong and just rumors by those who perhaps wanted him dead.

Mugabe and new wife Grace in Zimbabwe August 17, 1996
after exchanging their wedding vows.
REUTERS/Howard Burditt/File Photocaption
He was finally removed from power by the military in November 2017, which thought he wanted to anoint his younger second wife, Grace Mugabe, as his political successor. In a dramatic move by some Zimbabwean military officers, he and his wife were abruptly put under house arrest in what amounted to a bloodless coup. After his house arrest, his political party, ZANU-PF, forced him to give up power. Even so, it was remarkable to see that even the military officers that ousted him still had so much respect for him by allowing him and his wife to continue to reside in his luxurious 24-bedroom home in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital.
Mr. Mugabe was then replaced by his longstanding aide and close ally, Mr. Mnangagwa. During his inauguration address to the nation in November 2017, Mr. Mnangagwa spoke very highly of President Mugabe describing him as “one of the founding fathers and leaders of our nation.” He also stated:  “to me personally, he remains a father, mentor, comrade in arms and my leader.”
Mr. Robert Mugabe dead at age 95

In a tweet this morning announcing the demise of Mr. Mugabe, President Mnangagwa said of the man he had helped bring down:
“It is with the utmost sadness that I announce the passing on of Zimbabwe's founding father and former President, Cde Robert Mugabe…….Cde Mugabe was an icon of liberation, a pan-Africanist who dedicated his life to the emancipation and empowerment of his people. His contribution to the history of our nation and continent will never be forgotten. May his soul rest in eternal peace.”
Read More Links:
Robert Mugabe, who once said 'only God' could ever remove him, dies at 95

DEATH OF A TYRANT Robert Mugabe dead – Brutal Zimbabwe president whose bloody reign of terror crippled his country dies aged 95

All rights reserved by Tom Okure, Ph.D President and CEO of Inter-Continental Mgt. Systems, Inc (or ICMS, Inc). The information included in this article may not be used, reproduced, transmitted, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written permission of ICMS, Inc. The author Dr. Tom Okure is President of ICMS, Inc, a multifaceted business and management consulting firm with its head office in Albany, New York. Dr. Okure is a writer, author, business/management consultant, public policy advisor and commentator and a change advocate.

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