Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Mysterious Sailing Rocks in California’s Death Valley's Lake Bed

Posted by Tom Okure
Date: Febuary 25, 2016

The Self Moving Rocks of California

Moving Rocks of California
Mysterious moving rocks are a geological phenomenon where rocks travel and carve long tracks along a smooth valley floor without any physical intervention by humans or animals. This phenomena has been observed in certain parts of the United States such as Little Bonnie Claire Playa in Nevada and the Racetrack Playa, Death Valley National Park in the state of California the tracks are said to be most noticeable in their number and length.
Moving Rocks of California
Since the early 1900s, this mystery has been observed and studied by scientist without a scientific resolution.  However, sometime in August 2014, a timelapse video footage of the sailing rocks moving at slow wind speeds inside the flow of thin, melting sheets of ice was recorded and published.

Notice the in the pictures the grooves in the parched dirt soil tracing the tracks of the moving rocks. It is difficult to see the forces behind the sailing stones when they are in motion. However, the secret of the moving rocks in California’s Death Valley's lake bed has since been resolved. 

As stated earlier, many concepts and explanations regarding the mysterious phenomena have been offered over the years.  Then, San Diego California Scripps Institution of Oceanography’s (SIO) paleobiologist, Richard Norris and his cousin James Norris a research engineer asserted that they had a scientific explanation explaining the mystery based on a timelapse video footage of the sailing rocks moving. They are alleged to be the first people to photograph the moving rocks.

The secret forces behind the moving rocks across the surface of Racetrack Playa in California's Death Valley was captured on a timelapse video footage:

Watch the self-moving rock Video:


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