Tuesday, August 11, 2015

A Gigantic Fireworks Burning Ladder In The Sky.

A Gigantic Fireworks Staircase in the Sky.

Date: August 11, 2015
By Tom Okure, Ph.D
Gigantic Fireworks
Staircase in the Sky

These stunning picture and video shows the artistic work of Cai Guoqiang, a Chinese artist who recently expressed his love to his grandmother in China in a very unique way through this gigantic fireworks staircase in the air.

The fireworks ladder is made of metal wire and aluminum and was packed with gunpowder and attached to the bottom of a hot air balloon.

The project started as a dream of Cai Guogiang about 21 years ago during a visit to Bath in England.  Mr. Cai designed the performance by drawing a draft of the design on the window of an art gallery. He states that his grandmother supported his dream of becoming an artist and the fireworks show was his own unique way of showing his appreciation for her support.

The 1,650 ft. fireworks incredible burning ladder which has since gone viral in the internet stretched right up into the sky in Quanzhou in south-eastern China.

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